The Schuss Mountain Volunteer Ski Patrol Corp. (SMVSP) is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of IRS regulations. Our patrol quarters / First Aid facility were financed through many years of fundraising with actual construction completed by our talented members. The facility and land it sits upon is owned by the SMVSP. While the resort covers all of the costs for medical equipment, your contribution will assist us in covering the continuous cost for maintaining our facility, communications equipment, education and training. We are funded 100% by donations and fundraisers that our members participate in on a continuing basis throughout the year. Any contribution is greatly appreciated!
Please use the Donation button below to contribute using any major Credit Card with processing via PayPal.
Please use the Donation button below to contribute using any major Credit Card with processing via PayPal.